Thursday, April 19, 2007

Family shot in Oregon

Ander's missing from our latest family photo, as he is asleep in the carrier that the photographer (Aunt Teresa) is wearing.

Wild thing

While exploring Portland, Shane noticed some cool animal patterned glass at one of the bus stops and took some photos of Laurie behind it (her favorite colors are red, white and black).

Two Aunties

Ander spends some quiet time with Auntie Debra and learns how to stick out his tongue from Auntie Teresa.

Mt. Shasta

With scenery like this, who wouldn't want to take a road trip?

Oregon Walk

While visiting Teresa and Chris in Eugene, we walked along the Willamette River, stretching our legs and taking in some of the beautiful scenery.


At my cousin Debra's home in Portland, Shane experimented with some reflection photography from a frame hanging in the hallway (I'm in the livingroom holding Ander).


Shane helps Ander learn the steps...he has pretty strong legs and does a lot of standing each day.

Tired baby 1&2

The first week of April we went to Oregon (Eugene and Portland, primarily) to visit family. It was our first road trip with Ander and we wore him out -- either with our activities, or with his crying in the car seat. Here are two photos that really show his fatigue... the drooping pacifier and his noodle-y body asleep in his Aunt Teresa's arms.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ander's 2-month check-up

Ander's 2-month check-in shows he has gained 4 lbs and grown 3 inches since delivery. He now weighs 11 lbs. 14 oz and is 22 inches tall (although Shane says long since he mostly lays down).