Thursday, August 20, 2009

Video: Ander swinging

I just got a new Flip video so I could easily capture our activities -- and Ander's antics -- and post them for you here. This is the test.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

just a great shot of Ander

Gr-Uncle John visits

My uncle and Ander's great-uncle (gr-uncle) John came to visit from Wisconsin on August 7th. We were lucky enough to play host for an afternoon and evening before he headed up to Prescott to see the family there. We caught up a bit and made sure there was time for Ander and him to play.

finally -- a painted dining room

This was the dining room we moved into in November and had until August. I think Aunt Hazel was tired of seeing the wallpaper and volunteered to come down and help me remove it. That prompted some motion on figuring out what to do and, when I finally decided, it was full bore.

Here is the new dining room -- the inside two "squares" have coppery/metalic glazes that reflect in the sunlight, which I tried to capture in the photo to the side.


finished building Ander's swing set

Grandma Dawson heard my call for getting something for Ander to climb on in the backyard and went half-sies on a wooden swingset/fort/slide. On a hot summer weekend, dearest friends Julie and Dave and sister Jeanette came over to help me build it. We got about 1/2 way on Saturday working from 9 to 5 or so and then I completed it on Sunday with another 8 hours. Ander began playing on it immediately.

Here's Aunt Jeanette reading the instructions. Julie and Dave after finishing the toughest part of the swingset where the instructions sent us the wrong direction (thanks Millions Dave!) and the rest of the project on Sunday.