Thursday, March 26, 2009

Slice of life 3/24/09 (Wednesday)

The house resonates with the pitch of Ander’s crying, “Mommy! Mommy!’ comes from his bedroom over and over again. I mentally review the moments before… we went through our regular routine of books and then bedtime, as well as the newly forming routine of Ander’s protests as we rock in the dark of his room. It goes something like this:

“Mommy, mommy, baby… baby.”

“Yes, Ander. That is your baby.”

“Nose,nose.” I can feel his arm move to his face.

“Yes Ander, that is your nose. It is time for night,night.”

“Noooooo. Noooooo night night.”

“Yes. Time for night night.” Repeat line above.

This particular evening, he sits up in my lap, protesting the rocking, protesting the lights off. Frustrated, he tries to hit me. At which point, I say, “Okay. No more rocking. Time for bed,” as I get up and place him in his crib. “Night, night,” I say and walk out. The crying has already begun before the “Night, night.” I hear him jumping up and down in his crib, his wails of protest growing louder as I close the door without looking back. I head to the kitchen to get as far away from the cries as possible, but still hear them plainly. I wonder if Shane will sleep through them.

A frustrated and angry “Ugghhhh!” comes from the bedroom a few minutes later.

He pulls the door open quickly, “Is he locked in his room or something?!”

“No. I’m trying to put him to bed, but he tried to hit me.”

“Oh.” He walks to Ander’s door, yanks it open, “Ander! Stop! No more crying.”

“No more,” says a quiet voice.

“That’s right. All done crying.”

“All done.” I hear him sniffle. Shane has gone in and is continuing to talk to Ander and soothe him as well as calm himself. A few minutes pass and he comes out. Ander is quiet… for about 3 minutes.

“Mommy! Mommy!”

I sigh.

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