Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ander gets a haircut

Cutting hair is a major ordeal here. So, when it gets cool, we just let the boy's hair grow and trim around the ears as necessary. That was about 3 times over the "winter". About the time it gets to be too long, the heat is back and we buzz it short for free with dad's clippers. And, thank God, because I'd hate to pay for the screaming and drama that ensues. You'd think we were doing surgery without anesthesia or something.

After one too many comments about mullets, we trimmed him up a few weekends ago. Here is the before and after photos. The "after" photo was taken the next day because the truly "after" photos included red eyes and pouting.

Our neighbors told us they were outside and laughing because their cat heard the crying/yelling and when Ander would stop for a breath, the cat would howl back.

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